Growth in flexible workspace use (coworking) isn’t driven by remote workers’ need to get out of the house. It’s driven by the need to get out of their head. 

Nine out of ten Suite Spotte shared workplace tours start off with some version of their need to get out of the house to find a place to focus on their work. The real story emerges by the time we finish the 20-minute tour. When at home on their own, they’re stuck in their head.

Their thoughts spin like laundry in a washing machine. The same old thoughts, often negative, circling around in their head with no diversion to break the vicious cycle.

The Case for Coworking

Take the case of Rodney. He recently toured Suite Spotte, our Chicago suburban coworking workplace, because he’s too distracted at home and needs to be more productive. Yet he described a beautiful new home office he carved out for himself that sounded like an office featured in WIRED.

His home workspace has gig-speed internet, three top-of-the-line monitors, two on a convertible standing desk and one on the wall. His desk chair alone is comparable to the investment he made in his Peloton; and the recently installed studio quality lighting and sound system rivals the cable networks. Yet Rodney can’t seem to get anything done.

I was honest with him by explaining that the most amazing, outfitted office in the world will not on its own make him highly productive. Rather, what Suite Spotte offers that his home office does not is exactly what Rodney needs.  A community of people working independently, yet collectively.

Ask Forbes contributor and clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, Todd Essig, Ph.D., about the value of human connection.  He’ll tell you that,

Todd Essig, Ph.D

When you open yourself to others, growth happens.

Even one day a week working at Suite Spotte has won over many of our initially skeptical coworkers. It works for Rodney. Now see the value of coworking for yourself.

Productivity Guaranteed!

Buy a Suite Spotte flex desk day pass during April, and if you don’t see an improvement in your productivity and mood, we’ll refund your money.

For the price of a day pass, you’ll reap the benefits of an energized productive workspace with smart friendly people.  I’ve heard it many times before, “I get more work done at Suite Spotte than I could ever get done at home, and in much less time.” Get out of your head, experience the value of coworking and come visit us today.

Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

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