If you missed our SPOTTE-ON Learning session with Go-To-Market Strategist, Spencer Lee covering content creation powered by AI, all is not lost. No denying, you missed an amazing learning opportunity. Spencer covered a lot of ground in the world of artificial intelligence.

Being the generous guy that he is, Spencer put together this summary of best practices and tools he either demo’d, mentioned during the session, or thought you should know about. Thanks Spencer for sharing your vast knowledge. You’ve inspired us all!

AI Best Practices

In a nutshell, be smart and just do it! Start peeling back that onion. The more you use AI the greater the value it will have for you. Next time you’re tempted to do a Google search, do an AI one instead.

  • Dive in
  • Be ethical
  • Fact-check
  • Reference other sites (with links)
  • Add a personal touch


These are Spencer’s go-to tools when it comes to marketing and sales automation.

We hope you’ll find this information just what you need to jump into the world of AI. This technology is moving fast and as it grows and “learns” new opportunities will become available to us all.

Interested in gaining practical knowledge in focused, virtual learning sessions? Sign up on Suite Spotte’s email list to get announcements on upcoming SPOTTE-ON Learning sessions.

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