Suite Spotte’s Go-To-Grow Community membership features many coworking resources, one of the most popular being The HOT Seat. It’s here that members go for a weekly dose of camaraderie, motivation, answers, wisdom, laughter, and friendship. Work from home isolation quickly diminishes and true community connection happens because you are with people who get it and get you.
What is The HOT Seat?
Each week Suite Spotte members put aside whatever they are working on to jump on the one-hour virtual HOT Seat. Pre-pandemic we gathered in the conference room. Post-pandemic, The HOT Seat will be a hybrid of virtual and small group in-person gatherings. Either way, magic happens.
New ideas bubble to the top and take shape as budding opportunities. Tough challenges find viable solutions. Wins are celebrated and the pain from a recent failure soothed. Trending topics are explored from every angle, perspectives shared and debated.
Why We Love The HOT Seat
HOT Seat topics are typically diverse. Over the past two months we have covered Gino Wickman’s entrepreneurial operating system (EOS), curiosity as currency, theme words for the year, goal progress check ins, Lorna Borenstein’s business case for caring, mono vs multitasking, pricing strategies, and pros and cons of the FAQ page. Members often lead the open discussions sharing their perspective, a business challenge, or specific insights.

This time for connection and sharing has been happening weekly at Suite Spotte since 2015 when members John Ryan and Mike Lambert launched the first HOT Seat. Although John has since moved on to new adventures in sunny Florida, Mike continues as a driving force behind The HOT Seat.
On any Friday at noon, you may find the courage to face a challenge, the answer to a problem, a vote of confidence, a new direction, or simply the reassurance that you aren’t alone. As a Suite Spotter, you not only have access to our coworking resources; you have the good fortune to belong to a community of smart, diverse, and supportive people who care as much about your success as their own.
After an hour you return to your work rewarded with a valuable “nugget” (as coined by Suite Spotter Mark Akerley), and a welcome sense of belonging. All it took was for you to show up and be you.